
20.000+ connected devices
>80% reduction in downtime duration

As cities grapple with air pollution and gridlocked streets, commuters are gravitating towards more efficient and environmental-friendly means of transport.

The global take-off of shared micromobility only speaks to this demand, as urban citizens find themselves benefitting from a more sustainable and convenient way to travel the “last mile” and bridge public transportation gaps.

Enter Ryde Technology – one of Norway’s leading e-scooter-sharing providers, who taps into this new, vibrant mobility option. First started as a business of five people, the Oslo-based company is now present in six biggest Norwegian cities, keeping commuters moving with over 20,000 devices.

To enable its users to find a nearby vehicle and initiate a ride fast and seamlessly on the fly, Ryde turns to emnify.

Case Study Ryde

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