emnify, the leading provider of cloud services enabling the Internet of Things, announced today to start peering at the San Francisco Metropolitan Internet Exchange (SFMIX).
The SFMIX is a carrier-neutral Internet Exchange based within the “Silicon Valley” region of California to promote local data exchange.
“We see a great increase of data traffic from mobile M2M/IoT devices connected through our globally distributed mobile packet core towards popular cloud providers and M2M applications in the San Francisco Bay Area. To provide lowest possible latency and best quality of service we have now implemented IPv4/6 peering capability at the SFMIX on Gigabit scale.”, said Martin Giess (CTO).
Vishesh Joshi (Product Manager, SDN & NFV) added: “All participants of the SFMIX (http://sfmix.org/participants) will be able to benefit from the best connectivity to mobile devices roaming into the bay area, based on our unique SDN technology we are able to dynamically route mobile data traffic on a global scale while making use of local breakouts like the SFMIX”.
About emnify
emnify addresses with its cloud services exclusively the rapidly expanding global machine-to-machine (M2M) communications market and enables the Internet of Things (IoT) Eco System with Cellular Connectivity and Management Tools to connect and control devices – simple, efficient and secure.
If you have questions about our services or you are looking for reliable and secure mobile connectivity for your M2M/IoT devices please contact us by email at info@emnify.com
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